Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day off turns to busy day.

It was slow at work today so I took off early. Ran some errands and then decided to see what I can get done by email and research for the radio station. Alot can be accomplished in front of the computer.
I first called our lawyer to see if our ownership report was getting done. It is due this Friday at the FCC office. He told me it was on schedule and it should send tomorrow. Great.
I knew i needed to contact the company whose land our antenna site is designated to be on. They haven't heard from us in nearly two years to the day. In December of 2007 we had to amend our FCC application.(Long story I will feature in one of the History of.. parts)We also had to find a new transmitter site and ask the people who own the land if we could park our stuff on it. It is harder than you think. It is actually hard to find out who owns a parcel or a property. After I did the research and found out the owner of the parcel near Mettler, Greg and I set out to ask them to sign a letter of Reasonable Assurance. It is a letter telling the FCC that they will or will think about letting us park our antenna on their land.Well the gist of this is, two years ago December 5th we received or Reasonable Assurance. I was hoping they would remember. They did.
After a little email exchange we are to meet with them soon on inspecting the location,insurance, lease and then their board approval.
I emailed a local politician who could help us. I've already known him for years and gave him a heads up on the station a few years ago.He sounded excited then and still sounded excited now. I hope he introduces me to some more important people and we can network and find some money and support out there. I want to get all sides liberal, conservative, in the middle involved, it wouldn't be a true community radio with all voices. Don't get me wrong the music will be cutting edge,new, eclectic and different.
Old contacts, I got a hold of Todd Urich and updated him on what's up. And I sent an email out to Martina from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters. The NFCB i feel will be a great support group. They have seminars on all things community radio from grants, fund raising,management etc. We have been wanting to join but we weren't ready yet. So now that we have our CP we can talk business, I think they will be a big help in the future.
Speaking of grants the big one was announced today. The PTFP announced the deadline to the 2010 grant(the grant is specific to the building of new community radio stations) submission window. Two years ago we applied and we were turned down. At that time we only had our application approved by the FCC not granted and it was sitting on their desk. Also I was only told about it 17 days before the deadline. I was told it is one of the hardest grants there is to write out there. When I sent it by Fed Ex it weighed 3 pounds!!! Anyway I just found out today when it's due and now have 79 days to get it right. Whew! This time around we hope to receive it. It could mean 50% of our construction cost. Anyway busy day.

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